Seattle Internet Exchange, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
February 10th, 2009
Conducted Online
Minutes by Chris Caputo
Approved by Board, March 31st, 2009

Call to order. In attendance via email:

Chris Caputo - Director - Voting
Troy Davis - Director - Voting
Patrick Gilmore - Director - Voting
Nikos Mouat - Director - Voting
Jared Reimer - Director - Voting
Nick Guy - Observing
Mike Smith - Observing
Bill Woodcock - Observing

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the minutes of the previous meeting (November 17-18, 2008) be approved."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the following are now voting members of the SIX.:

All Host Shop
Epik Networks
Nexicom Inc
Softlayer Technologies, Inc.
Uniserve Communications Corp.
Ygnition Networks"

The motion was seconded. There was unanimous consent with the exception of Nikos abstention from the vote on Ygnition Networks. The motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the Bylaws be amended as follows:

    2.4 Annual Meeting.

        The annual meeting of the members shall be held the 25th day of
        April in each year at 12:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing
        Directors and transacting such other business as may properly
        come before the meeting. If the day fixed for the annual meeting
        is a legal holiday at the place of the meeting, the meeting
        shall be held on the next succeeding business day. If the annual
        meeting is not held on the date designated therefor, the Board
    --- shall cause the meeting to be held as soon thereafter as may be
    --- convenient.
    +++ shall cause the meeting to be held as soon thereafter or
    +++ preceding as may be convenient."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.