Seattle Internet Exchange, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
October 20th and 21st, 2006
Conducted Online
Minutes by Chris Caputo
Approved by Board, April 23rd, 2007

Call to order.  In attendance via email:

Chris Caputo - Director - Voting
Troy Davis - Director - Voting
Nikos Mouat - Director - Voting
Jared Reimer - Director - Voting
Garth Brown - Observing
Bill Woodcock - Observing

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the minutes of the previous meeting (April 26th, 2006) be approved."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the following be removed from the membership list since they are no longer participating at the SIX:

Advanced TelCom Group, Inc."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the following operators are now voting members of the SIX.:

In2net Network
Mzima Corp.
NTI (Northwest Telephone)
OpenDNS, Inc."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that we acknowledge that the March 21st, 2006 interconnect request from Swift Communications was approved by the board in April 2006 after publication to the members list for a period of time exceeding two weeks."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that we approve the September 21st, 2006 interconnect request from Layer42 Networks, acknowledging that it was announced on the members list more than two weeks ago."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.