Seattle Internet Exchange, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
April 18th, 2002
Conducted Online
Minutes by Chris Caputo
Approved by Board, February 24th, 2003

Call to order.  In attendance via email:

Chris Caputo - Director - Voting
Jared Reimer - Director - Voting
Nikos Mouat - Director - Voting
Garth Brown - Observing

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the minutes of the previous meeting (February 7th and 8th, 2002) be approved."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"Per Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Bylaws, I move that the number of Directors for the SIX be set at three."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the following be removed from the membership list since they have departed the SIX or been acquired by another SIX member:

LightRealm Communications
LockStream Corporation
Mirror Image Internet, Inc.

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that we recognize that 'Avista Communications, Inc.' has changed its name to be 'OneEighty Networks, Inc.'"

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Chris Caputo made the following motion:

"I move that the following new operators are now members of the SIX.:

Electric Lightwave, Inc.
Southwestern Bell Internet Services
StarNet, Inc."

The motion was seconded, there was unanimous consent and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.